The Fly Awards is a prestigious annual recognition program celebrating excellence in Michigan’s racing community. Established in 2018, it has become an essential resource for athletes planning their race calendars and a benchmark for excellence in the state’s competitive racing scene.
The awards recognize achievements across various racing disciplines, highlighting both traditional races and emerging events. They serve multiple purposes: honoring exceptional racing events, guiding athletes in their event selection, and documenting the growth and evolution of Michigan’s racing community.
A significant addition to the program is the Fly Endurance Awards, which celebrates multisport excellence. This category challenged athletes to complete at least two major endurance events within a year, choosing from challenges like full Iron Distance triathlons, marathons, qualifying cycling races (36+ miles), half Iron Distance events, or long-distance open-water swims (5+ miles). For 2025, this challenge will increase to require completion of three long course events across multiple disciplines.
What distinguishes the Fly Awards is its comprehensive approach to recognizing excellence in racing. Beyond just acknowledging top finishers, the program celebrates the entire racing ecosystem – from event organization and volunteer contributions to community impact and athletic achievement. This inclusive philosophy helps strengthen Michigan’s racing community and inspires athletes at all levels to pursue their competitive goals.